
Steps of Strategy Programs

Programs to Tranform Lives

Building Stronger Communities Together

Community Support Program

Offering a range of services to support individuals in various aspects of their lives, including employment mentorship, personal budgeting support, community involvement, goal setting & planning, and housing support.

Strengthening Communities Through Support

Morrison County

At Steps of Strategy, we help strengthen Morrison County by providing essential Housing Stabilization Services and our Housing Support Scattered Site program, ensuring every individual has the support they need to achieve long-term stability and security.

Empowering Tenants Through Shared Experiences

Tenant Empowerment

Our Tenant Empowerment program brings together tenants to share their experiences and insights on navigating housing challenges. They discuss valuable strategies and resources that supported their journey out of homelessness with Steps of Strategy, helping others achieve stability and success.

Pay It Forward: Volunteer Form

Join us in making a difference! Complete our Pay It Forward volunteer form and become part of our mission to create positive change in our community.

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.


Join our Adopt-A-Home campaign and make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and families in need.

By committing to support a participant or family directly, you can provide financial contributions, essential items, and resources to enhance their stability and well-being. Together, we can create a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.